
Internet Technology (COMPSCI5012)

MSc course / Level 5, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Spring 2024, 2024

GPU-accelerated computational methods using Python and CUDA

MSc course, TRACKS, Chalmers University of Technology, Fall (SP2), 2022, 2023
Lecturer, Running mini-workshops on HPC programming with Python

High-performance parallel programming

MSc course, CSE, Chalmers University of Technology, Fall (SP1), 2022, 2023
Lecturer, Assisting with workshops and labs on HPC programming models

Data communication

BSc course, Chalmers University of Technology, CSE, Spring (SP4), 2023
Lecturer, Co-examiner

Technical Writing in Computer Systems and Networks

MSc course, Chalmers University of Technology, CSE, Fall (SP1), 2022
Teaching Assistant, Supervised student teams in writing technical surveys

Parallel architectures for Machine Learning

MSc course, DSML, National Technical University of Athens, Spring, 2019-2022
Lecturer, Co-examiner

Parallel processing systems

Undergraduate Course, NTUA, Fall, 2012-2021
Teaching assistant, Designing/leading assignments and lecturing parallel programming models

Operating Systems

Undergraduate Course, ECE, National Technical University of Athens, Fall, 2017-2018
Lab assistant

Advanced Computer Architecture

Undergraduate Course, ECE, National Technical University of Athens, Spring, 2017-2018
Teaching assistant

Fundamentals of Computer Science

Undergraduate Course, ECE, National Technical University of Athens, Spring, 2015-2018
Teaching assistant